Yesterday evening, my good buddy Akshay rang my doorbell, telling me he had "something to show me... put your shoes on, we're going to the beach".
This was at 11:30 PM, so my curiosity was definitely poked.
As we walked to the beach, it gave me 10 minutes to pry the info out of him: I wasn't too far off with my fluorescent jellyfish.
It turns out that plankton - I'm assuming it's plankton - was washed onto the beach, and got mixed into the sand.
Every footstep you took would set off myriads of little specs of light. James Cameron's Avatar effects in real life!
Easily, a 30cm radius around your foot would light up. The harder you stepped, the further it reached.
Beautiful! Spent the next 20 minutes trampling around like some madmen trying to thwart a cockroach infestation.
So much fun... I kept thinking of the Billie Jean video as I stomped about.
Thanks Akshay!